Nft games have gone beyond ordinary games. Gone are the days that people play games to catch fun alone. Now, innovations have taken the gaming world to another level. People are no longer rewarded with fun alone from playing games. That is why some games are an investment. Someone said we should stop looking at some nft games with an ordinary eye. Of course, the likes of Axie Infinity and Gods Unchained have helped countless people these days.
For instance, no one can water down or look down on axie infinity game in India as a mere game. Indians enjoy playing this nft game a lot. So, to the Indians, Axie Infinity is more than a game. It’s an investment.
Related Play to Earn Games and the Risks
However, do you want to join the league of people making it big in the nft gaming world? Do you want to be rewarded for the time spent on games? There’s nothing to worry about. We are here to help you.
We understand the fact that the moment the thought of investing money, time, and efforts comes to you, several questions will cross your mind. So, we are here to do justice to some of the questions you are struggling with. Hence, you have a role to play. You need to pay attention and follow us closely. Please, follow us line upon line. Let’s start with what nft games entail.
What are nft games?
Nft means non-fungible token. There’s a smooth connection between blockchain technology and cryptography. Therefore, inventors are looking for a perfect way to establish some currency in the marketplace. So, game inventors began connecting with some video games by making their tokens available as a player reward. Hence, nft games are video games associated with blockchain technology to raise digital assets and make cryptocurrencies available for everyone.
However, one can play games and earn some digital assets that can be exchanged with other people, and they can also be traded.
Is nft play-to-earn game accurate?
You may want to know if you’re embarking on a real journey. There’s nothing to worry about. As much as you are ready to follow the necessary steps, you won’t regret investing your all in playing nft games. We assure you that play-to-earn games are real. You can do further research to know the connection between the crypto world and some of these games. For instance, Axie Infinity has over three million daily active users. Can you imagine that? People will not be playing it like that if it’s not real. In fact, we recently heard that Axie Infinity made over 3.8 billion dollars.

Which nft games can I play as a beginner?
You can choose to play any play-to-earn nft game. It depends on the one you’ve seen people playing around you. If you’re close to the Axie Infinity world, you can move close to axie gamers around you. Also, Gods Unchained is another play-to-earn game that is good for starters. Other nft games you can invest in are;
- The Sandbox
- Sorare
- League of Kingdoms
- Aliens Worlds
- Spells of Genesis
- Battle Race
- Splinterlands
What are other things that I need?
- Have a winning mentality: It is expedient for every nft game investor to have a winning mentality. The real winning begins from the mind. You need to develop a winning mentality if you want to invest and see massive results. The question is, how can you build a winning mentality? The “how” is within you. Therefore, you need to build your confidence and talk to yourself. We are already given you tips on how to develop a winning mentality. Your state of mind must be strong and willing to take up the challenge with an open mind.
- Cast out fears: Fear should not grip your heart. If you allow fear to penetrate you while playing these games, the result will not be encouraging. Let us quickly chip in; fear is a powerful tool to bring down every positive vibe or motive.
- Learn the game rule: Don’t just rush into an investment without first knowing what it takes. In the business world, no one dives into a business without knowing the nature of the business and how it is run. If you try it in the business world, you will regret it. The same thing is applicable in the gaming world. Therefore, gamers must take their time to learn the gameplay before diving into the game per se.
- Choose the suitable game: Don’t just go online to choose an nft game. There are some games whose tokens are not yet on blockchain technology. So, you need to be very careful. We can advise you to invest in Axie Infinity and Gods Unchained. Visit for more information. On the other hand, you’ll get more information about Gods Unchained at

What are the challenges I may likely face?
This is a big concern for those that are ready for investment. However, there’s no investment without a challenge. As a matter of fact, challenges are meant to increase the pace of the investment positively. So, let us start by preparing your mind so that you don’t need to run away from facing challenges. Now, the challenges you’ll likely face are;
- Difficulty in the gameplay. It may take time to know the techniques and strategies to win.
- The exchange of NFTs can be a little difficult because you’re new in the game.
- Fear of how the next level of the game will be. Every stage in the game comes with different challenges and obstacles. So, the higher you go, the harder it becomes.
How can I get information about some of these nft games?
There are countless information online about each nft game. Hence, knowledge about video games is not scarce. All you need to do is to visit search engines like Google and do the necessary search. Honestly, there are countless options online you can explore.
On a final note
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